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Karma Yoga - Evolving

When my mother and I first started Karma Yoga my one focus was on giving back. Since Karma Yoga began this idea has evolved.

My hope now is to always give back responsibly. To do my research and utilize sites like charity navigator who review charities for accountability, transparency, and program administrative and fundraising expenses. To find non profit organizations that not only resonate with my heart but also find ones that are accountable, provide a much needed service, are transparent with where donations go, and have little overhead. Organizations that understand they carry a deep responsibility to provide high quality care. That understand providing aid in a foreign culture means coming in with no ego and a deep desire to honor and respect the local culture. A deep desire to learn from those that have lived there their whole lives, be open to feedback and understand how to incorporate and use locals to strengthen and sustain the service they hope to provide. Non profits that believe in following up and providing lasting change.

Partners In Health is a non profit that believes strongly in this. Transportation costs, social stigma, lack of information, discrimination, and time constraints are major barriers to medical care in poor communities. Partners In Health depend heavily on community health workers to aid patients during treatment and follow up on the care they provide their patients. Their multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and HIV/AID treatment regimens would not be as sucessful as they have been without the help of CHWs.

And I want to thank you all. It is because of all of you that we're able to raise the money for these remarkable causes. Because of you we've been able to raise over $1,000 for Partners In Health over the past four years and that is only one of the non profits we've dedicated our Karma Yoga's to.

In this same vein I've recently started following Tiny Spark. A socially conscious blog started by Amy Costello. For many years she was the Africa Correspondent for The World, a co-production of the BBC World Service, Public Radio International and WGBH Boston.

She now works to figure out just how much good, long term good, non profits are providing. We can always learn more about providing aid and this blog is a wonderful way to soak in new ideas and learn from others in the field. The link for her blog is

And in honor of this I would love your feedback. I want to listen. I would love to hear of non-profits you've found, ones you're involved in and want to spread the word about.

Deepest thanks.

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