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Hands on Museum

All of the volunteers, Zach, Emmy, Sam and I were able to take 20 children from New Light to visit the Birla Industrial and Technological Museum this afternoon.

This was a wonderful opportunity for the children of the New Light creche cum shelter to experience something unique and different. They’re one step removed from the red light district staying at the creche cum shelter but they don’t get many opportunities to get outside of the red light district area. So it was a real pleasure to be able to bring them to the museum.

They spent time visiting the underground coal mine, viewing the bubble experiments, viewing the electricity presentation and they were able to watch a 3D movie on the great wall of China. I just wish I could bring them all with me when I go to Beijing in a month and visit the great wall of china in person.

In the bubble show, the presenter had a lot of the kids come up to be his assistant and at one point he asked me to come up as well. He had me wet my entire hand with soap, lit a match, and for a second, I held fire in the palm of my hand. Loved seeing all the kids faces during this:)

They children were also able to visit the interactive part of the museum, which is very similar to the Hands on Museum in Ann Arbor. I think my favorite part of the trip was just watching the children’s faces all day. Seeing their shock, their smiles and their amazement.

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