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Reds, Oranges and Yellows

I was able to begin my day with a yoga practice, a very centering, grounding yoga practice.

And I began my day at New Light by doing yoga with the kids again. To help them channel some of that limitless energy in a positive direction.

Zack and I returned in the afternoon to do a CPR and first aid presentation for the staff of New Light and to help the children with their evening lessons.

Here are just some snapshots, glimpses from our walk there of the colors that fill the marketplace around Kalighat road. Reds, yellows and oranges fill stall after stall, women in bright saris sell multicolored produce and the colored powder, always used in the Holi festival, stains the ground and the stray animals that always nap under the tables in the shade. Holi is known as the festival of colors or the festival of love. It's a Hindu religous festival which signifies the triumph of good over evil. I love the sound of that and simply wish I could be here in the spring to experience it.

Wanted to share these so hopefully you can admire what I get to pass by everyday on my way to New Light.

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